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Motherhood & Self Care

Motherhood. It can be a tough gig. Exhausting, relentless, mostly thankless. Of course, the good times are wonderful and we all love our kids but, today Kensington Mums share with us some of their tips on why taking care of yourself is so important.

It's all about solidarity Mammas, we are all in this together. There is no hood like motherhood. Some days can be challenging in the life of a mother. We believe the good times can be made all the better if you Mammas can catch a little break now and again and be kind to yourself and to others, nobody knows what each other is going through. Now more than ever, we need to re-discover kindness in our daily lives. Remember you were someone before their mother and that person matters.

You had a life before your children. You used to go out, discuss politics, tear apart the latest movie release, talk about your celebrity crushes… Having children shouldn’t mean that has to end. We are more than just a mother. Remember you were someone before their mother and that person matters.

Kensington Mums share with us 5 reasons why having a bit of time to yourself is important:

1. You matter
It's ok to say that you are not ok... We are all perfectly imperfect and you matter. Be kind to yourself. Take the time you need for yourself, sometimes you need to do you and that’s ok. You need to take care of yourself in order to take care of others around you.

2. It improves the home environment
Your kids don’t want a perfect mother, the Instagram mother or the organic mother. All they wants is a happy one.

3. Get some ZZZZZ's
Sleep is part of taking care of yourself. Sometimes in parenting hours, 9pm is the new midnight and that’s ok.

4. Self care is not selfish, but a necessity
By taking care of yourself, you will have the energy to take care of others. Decide what you need to fuel your wellbeing and do it. Be it some alone time, a morning lie in, a hot bath. Do it with passion, zero guilt and enjoy it.

5. It improves your relationship with your children and partner
Remember, Happy Mama = Happy children. It's that simple. Try and take turns rotating house chores, and give your kids the responsibility to help around the house. As they say, every little helps.

Remember that your children will remember these times so it's important to be in control of the memories they are creating right now, so that through all the awful headlines and emotional stories for so many that they will come to read in future years, they can remember the happy times. Let us all be Surviving and Thriving.

Kensington Mums was established in 2011 with the aim of sharing knowledge and experiences to help fellow mums learn from one another. Today the network commands an audience of London based mothers, many of whom live outside of the Kensington area but tap into the community for its blend of events, advice and connectivity. Connect with Kensington Mums on Instagram @kensingtonmums, download their app or sign up to their newsletter.

Tags: Family | Author: Kensington Mums